18 Jul 2013

Avoid the common interview mistakes!

Most of the time, potential job candidates are not conscious about some mistakes they make before and during the interview. These are some mistakes that might cause them to lose a good job. Take a look and do not make it in your interview.

   1. Running late without notice

Never be late!  If you are going to late, do report to your interviewer and ask for forgiveness that you are running late. Ask if it is possible for you to attend the interview a little bit late or just request for the interview to be rescheduled in order to remain good impression.

   2. Know nothing about the business

You should know something about the company that you are going to interview, their history, products, requirement to the employees. If you didn't know about it, the interviewer might think that you have not fully prepare for the interview or you may not get ready to take the new responsibility yet. 

   3. Dress unprofessionally.

If you didn't dress professionally, interviewer may think that you do not respect the interviewer and also the interview. Therefore, you should make sure that you look smart and professional when you are attending an interview so that the interviewer would have a good impression about you. 

   4. Lack of confident/ Over-confident

Lack of confidence could be perceived as your lack of preparation, being nervous or trying to cover something or is lying. Being over confident, you may be viewed as being too big-headed or braggart who talks more than you deliver. Practice more before you come to an interview! It would help to calm down your nervousness and increase your level of confidence. 

   5. Keep talking

Be clear and concise in your answers to show that you understood the question and are not just rambling for the sake of talking. Think before you say to decide if what you are going to say is necessary or appropriate.

   6. Criticizing previous employers or company

You are being interviewed to promote yourself as the best possible candidate for the post, not to criticize others or complain others. No one likes a person who keeps complaining.

   7. Lying or concealing on information

Never attempt to lie or cover up any vital information, no matter how important you thought it was for you to cover the information. You may land the job but how long it will be before you are found out?

   8.  Money talk

Never bring up talk on salary at the beginning of the interview. You should only talk about salary or your employment package such as remuneration or benefits when the interviewer asks you or when the interview is near the end but the matter have not brought up.

Good Luck !


  1. Thanks for sharing^^

  2. thank for sharing:) i have learn more about it.

  3. Nice and helpful blog. Keep it on!
