18 Jul 2013

Aiming a success in your interview? Practice these skills!

The job interview is a crucial part of your job searching because it is an opportunity for the employer to figure out if you are suitable for the job. Candidates must make sure that they have the following skills so that they can make a positive and lasting impression to the organization.

1. Good communication skills

Your interview is a great opportunity to demonstrate how well you could communicate, so be sure that you prepare and practice responses to showcase your best skills.

2. High self confidence level

Candidates can demonstrate self-confidence at the interview by the way you present yourself, including how you dress, the way you approach to have a hand shake, and how you speak about yourself and your experiences during the interview.

3.      Good sense of time

Time management is especially important for candidates because interviewers can observe your abilities to manage your time, tasks and responsibilities effectively. Candidates must be prepared to explain how you prioritize the most important items first during the interview session.

4.      Be professional

Eye contact and clear speaking tone are excellent ways to show your level of professional. Begins your interview with a calming smile and a firm handshake! This could leave a good impression to the organization. Also, remember to turn off or switch your cell phone to silent mode!

5.      Good listening skill

Remember to listen carefully to the interview questions so that you correctly answer the question, and never interrupt. If you do not understand the question well, don’t ever be afraid to ask for a clarification.  

6.      Effective nonverbal communication skills

Your body language or behavior will give a lot of information to your prospective employers about you. It is a reflection of your level of confidence. Always maintain a good posture and never avoid eye contact with the interviewer! 

Wish you all the best in your interview. Do stay tune for our next post which is about the common mistaken occured in an interview!


  1. good information. it help us to know the skill for interview!^^

  2. This is really helpful :)

  3. I never realized that body language is that important. Thanks for the information!
