18 Jul 2013

Avoid the common interview mistakes!

Most of the time, potential job candidates are not conscious about some mistakes they make before and during the interview. These are some mistakes that might cause them to lose a good job. Take a look and do not make it in your interview.

   1. Running late without notice

Never be late!  If you are going to late, do report to your interviewer and ask for forgiveness that you are running late. Ask if it is possible for you to attend the interview a little bit late or just request for the interview to be rescheduled in order to remain good impression.

   2. Know nothing about the business

You should know something about the company that you are going to interview, their history, products, requirement to the employees. If you didn't know about it, the interviewer might think that you have not fully prepare for the interview or you may not get ready to take the new responsibility yet. 

   3. Dress unprofessionally.

If you didn't dress professionally, interviewer may think that you do not respect the interviewer and also the interview. Therefore, you should make sure that you look smart and professional when you are attending an interview so that the interviewer would have a good impression about you. 

   4. Lack of confident/ Over-confident

Lack of confidence could be perceived as your lack of preparation, being nervous or trying to cover something or is lying. Being over confident, you may be viewed as being too big-headed or braggart who talks more than you deliver. Practice more before you come to an interview! It would help to calm down your nervousness and increase your level of confidence. 

   5. Keep talking

Be clear and concise in your answers to show that you understood the question and are not just rambling for the sake of talking. Think before you say to decide if what you are going to say is necessary or appropriate.

   6. Criticizing previous employers or company

You are being interviewed to promote yourself as the best possible candidate for the post, not to criticize others or complain others. No one likes a person who keeps complaining.

   7. Lying or concealing on information

Never attempt to lie or cover up any vital information, no matter how important you thought it was for you to cover the information. You may land the job but how long it will be before you are found out?

   8.  Money talk

Never bring up talk on salary at the beginning of the interview. You should only talk about salary or your employment package such as remuneration or benefits when the interviewer asks you or when the interview is near the end but the matter have not brought up.

Good Luck !

Aiming a success in your interview? Practice these skills!

The job interview is a crucial part of your job searching because it is an opportunity for the employer to figure out if you are suitable for the job. Candidates must make sure that they have the following skills so that they can make a positive and lasting impression to the organization.

1. Good communication skills

Your interview is a great opportunity to demonstrate how well you could communicate, so be sure that you prepare and practice responses to showcase your best skills.

2. High self confidence level

Candidates can demonstrate self-confidence at the interview by the way you present yourself, including how you dress, the way you approach to have a hand shake, and how you speak about yourself and your experiences during the interview.

3.      Good sense of time

Time management is especially important for candidates because interviewers can observe your abilities to manage your time, tasks and responsibilities effectively. Candidates must be prepared to explain how you prioritize the most important items first during the interview session.

4.      Be professional

Eye contact and clear speaking tone are excellent ways to show your level of professional. Begins your interview with a calming smile and a firm handshake! This could leave a good impression to the organization. Also, remember to turn off or switch your cell phone to silent mode!

5.      Good listening skill

Remember to listen carefully to the interview questions so that you correctly answer the question, and never interrupt. If you do not understand the question well, don’t ever be afraid to ask for a clarification.  

6.      Effective nonverbal communication skills

Your body language or behavior will give a lot of information to your prospective employers about you. It is a reflection of your level of confidence. Always maintain a good posture and never avoid eye contact with the interviewer! 

Wish you all the best in your interview. Do stay tune for our next post which is about the common mistaken occured in an interview!

17 Jul 2013

Practice these Common Interview Questions!

Worrying about the questions that would ask by the interviewers? Have a look!

These are some common interview questions that you may face when attending a job interview. Knowing the question and prepare for it can help you to be more confident and react smoothly. 

  1. Question: Tell me about yourself.
Remark: This is the most asked question in an interview. Remember do not introduce your name because they will know your name in the resume. You can talk about your skill, past experiences or activities that you interest to introduce yourself and attract the interviewer's interest to you.

     2.  Question: Why are you leaving your previous job?

Remark: When you are asked about your previous job, don’t be too negative because the interviewer may think that you will also comment negatively about your new job or the company if you get this job.
  1. Question: Why should we hire you?
Remark: This is a typical interview question, asked about why you would be the best candidate for the position. The best way to respond is to give concrete examples of why your skills and accomplishments make you the best candidate for the job. Take a few moments to compare the job description with your abilities, as well as mentioning what you have accomplished in your other positions. Be positive and reiterate your interest in the company and the position.

  1. Question: What can you contribute to the company?
Remark: This is a question to discover how hiring you would benefit the company. The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the company is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past, and to relate them to what you can achieve and benefit the company in the future.

  1. Question: What is your greatest strength?
Remark:  When you are asked questions about your strengths, it's important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job. Therefore best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.

  1. Question: What is your greatest weakness?
Remark: When asked by such question, there are several different ways you can answer, including mentioning skills that aren't critical for the job, skills you have improved on, and turning a negative into a positive.

  1. Question: What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?
Remark: When job interview question like ‘How did you handle challenges?’ make sure in you give examples of how you handle a particular situation and discus how you researched the issue or how you contributed to the solution.

  1. Question: Why do you want this job?
Remark: Keep in mind that you can customize these answer to fit your particular circumstances and the job you are applying for.

     9.      Question: Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

Remark: When such question is asked by the interviewer, he or she wants to know if you're a team player or would rather work on your own. You can respond positively by letting the interviewer to know that you equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently.

    10.   Question: Who are our main competitors?

Remark: Think about some of them and explain how you compare them with yourself. This shows your understanding about the company and your competitors. This is a great opportunity to highlight what you thaink are the company's key strengths. 

Practice make perfect. Best of luck!

What is the preparation you have to do before attending the interview?

Have you attended an interview before? Did you have a good preparation? Did you ever know that preparation is the best source to bring you to get your desired job? Here we are going to share some important tips to help you all to prepare yourself before you step in the office:)

Have a proper preparation before attending an interview is essential. In this competitive world, there are a lot of people are seeking for a job, it is not that easy to get the job that we desired. To show that you are the greatest among them, you have to be prepared before attending the interview for the job. Stay alert! Always be prepared if you want to be success!

1. Gather Sufficient Information

The first thing you have to do before you attend the interview is to gather information or what we called research. It is the key element that can help you to get the desired job. You have to know something about the company that you are going to interview, their history, products, requirement to the employees. Website like Google is the best source for you.

2. Find Out The Common Interview Questions

Do a little bit research on the most common questions that the interviewer may ask during the interview! It helps a lot in getting the job you want. You never know what questions the interviewers are going to throw to you, but if you are fully prepared, it is not a tough thing for you to answer them very well. You can show your confidence through your answering skill. Try to include your past work experience, your abilities, your talent in the answers.

3. Practice Yourself Wisely

Practice the questions and answer at home as how many times as you can. You can also switch the position to become an interviewer; this way can help you to see the interview in different angle. Do practice your body languages, your slang and the eyes contact. Try out to do all these things in front of the mirror.

Sometimes, interview would not be run with face to face, it may on the phone interview. Be prepared. You must practice on how to control your tone of voice when you are speaking with the interviewer in the phone.

4. Stay Alert, Never Be Late!

Before the day you are going to interview, make sure that you can get enough sleep.
You should not be late to the interview. Punctuality shows your responsibility and your enthusiasm to the job. Usually interviewers prefer the interviewee to be on time or even earlier. You have to make sure you have the proper transportation before the day you attend the interview and go out earlier from your house on the day. You never know what is going to happen next second.

5. Prepare a Good Resume

Resume, is one of the most important thing you must prepare well. Resume is a document that can show your capabilities and abilities to perform well in the job. It helps you to get the job you want. Please do remember to state your personal information, education level, skills and achievements. Past work experience can be stated in the resume if you want to show them how you are capable to handle the job. Don’t forget your contact information!

6. Dress For The Best!

Knowing what to wear on the job interview is the basic requirement. Always remember, dress for success, you never get the second chance for the first impression. Dress appropriately to attend the interview, normally should be formal attire. Do not dress up with something that is too fancy or too casual. Show your respect to the interviewer! You have to be mindful of the company culture. Avoid of wearing something that will make the interviewers feel uncomfortable.

Beside all these preparation you can do to get the job you want, you have to convince yourself that you are always the best person who are deserved to fit in the job that you want. Show your best side of yours. 

Good Luck.